Thursday, August 25, 2016


I did this layout for CSI Color Stories Inspiration.  This took me back to my childhood.  

For the Scheme - I used all five colors that were required.
The Evidence - I used Polka dots, String, Butterflies & bird, and key.
The Testimony - I chose to document a childhood memory

On the tag I said:  My sister and I lived in a small town and this is outside of our home.  We could run, visit neighbors, walk downtown to get candy without our parents.  It was a wonderful time to live unlike today where you can not play outside or go any where without your parents having to take you.  It is days gone by!
Lillie May
Here is my layout


Please see the close-ups!

Thank you for looking and have a wonderful day!

Lillie May

Sunday, August 7, 2016


I did this layout for CSI Color Stories Testimonies.  I found photos of our trip to Colorado which the circled picture is my daughter and granddaughter.  We absolutely love Colorado.  On this challenge I wanted to show the mountains and all the trees which I believe I captured it the best I can.

The scheme I used all five colors; 
The Evidence:  I used map print, trees, and watercolors
The testimony:  Colorado - Travel the world over to find the beautiful - Adventure is worthwhile - Life was meant for a great adventure


Please see the close-ups.

It has been a pleasure and thank you for looking!

Lillie May

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Well hello friends!  I did this layout of my daughter and niece while at the beach.  This case file was right up my alley!  

I followed  CSI Case File # 207.  The Scheme:  I used all five colors, The Evidence: I used nautical elements, animals, textured paper, mesh, and twine, The Testimony: Explore - Being out there in the ocean, God's creation, it's like a gift He has given us to enjoy. - Bethany Hamilton.


Here are the close-ups!

I really love CSI for it gives me a reason to work on a layout with guidelines.

Take care!

Lillie May